Saturday, April 21, 2007

Mind-sets and Myth - Believe In Yourself

Many people will fail in their efforts to earn money online simply
because they don't acquire the right mindset to 'to the job.'

It is true that there is an annoying abundance (too much so) of scams
and scammers online waiting to steal your money, however, in real life,
on the real streets, roads, and pathways, there are also scammers and
scams just waiting to happen. This second fact doesn't keep most
people from going to work, changing jobs, finding better jobs, and
setting up their businesses. It shouldn't keep YOU from setting up your
internet business and earning online if this is really what you've
decided to do!

To start, you'll have to learn to develop the self-talk, attitude, and
focused mind-set that is necessary to succeed. This doesn't just apply
to online efforts, but also is important in EVERYTHING YOU DO!

If your attitudes are not in line with what you want to accomplish, you
will have a difficult time succeeding in oline business. Even the best
softwares, connections, tools and information will be of no great use to
you if you haven't got the mind-set for making your ideas work!

10 important things to keep in mind or to consistently do:

1- Don't allow past failures to dictate what you will do today!

2- Don't focus on problems! Acknowledge problems but focus on

3- Every challenge is an opportunity

4- Focus on success, optimism,
solutions, positive results, and moving ahead

5- block negative people OUT of your head and your business

6-actively remind yourself that your goals are attainable

7- see your environment as abundant - use what is available for good

8- keep a 'Daily Success' journal and record daily accomplishments

9- once per day, at least - read aloud yesterday's accomplishments

10- View 'failure' as 'instruction' or as 'lessons' instead of negative

Make these 10 items into a checklist for a different section of your Daily
Success journal.

Use this journal at least twice per day - once at the very beginning of
your day - and if your day has been too hectic, at least dedicate time
to using your journal a second time - at the end of the day.

It would be extra helpful to have a 'hard-copy' journal instead
of an electronic (doc.file of some sort) kind of journal - because you
should be able to carry a small journal-book almost anywhere during
your day. If your spirits need a boost, this way, your journal can always
be with you. Dedicate yourself to keeping this journal for at least 30

Whether you already have the right physical tools for success or not
(tools for internet business - software, webspace, products, etc), you
still have to stay focused.

You also must BELIEVE in yourself and your purpose. Possibly, the
only reason why you haven't achieved online success yet is because
you haven't APPLIED yourself to make your dreams happen. Quite
simply - you've just 'not done it yet,' that's all. You may have even
'started' before - but you likely haven't followed through with applying
your ideas yet. Just because it hasn't been done yet, doesn't mean that
it is not possible. The exact opposite is often true - because it hasn't
been done yet, it is entirely possible! In fact, because it hasn't been
done yet - ensures that your ideas have not been DISPROVEN! Look at
things THIS WAY - instead of other ways that debilitate your spirit and
sink your resolve or beliefs in yourself and your ideas! - The Democratic Ads System

Watch successful people!

You'll notice that most successful people are really highly FOCUSED on
the ideas surrounding SUCCESS! Also - they TRULY BELIEVE in
themselves and their ideas. The present positive points, solutions, and
often see 'challenges' where other people see ruin.

If you don't have highly successful, positive people directly within
your own circle of friends, or you have restrictions of any kind with
physically meeting up with successful people, there are TONS of
videos online - and pertinent audio recordings available from
successful people wanting to share their positivity and success.

In a short time, you'll likely not have to worry at all about the last
paragraph or any restrictions in the way of being around highly
motivated, successful, positive-minded people - because YOU WILL
ATTRACT them as soon as you are like-minded, concentrating on
positive, motivational, and successful ideas, people, outlets for your
ideas, etc.

I'm not 100% sure why it happens - but in the same way, I'm not
100% familiar with gravity or why gravity is a certain thing in our
world - I only know that they both are absolutely REAL. Like will attract
like - just the same as gravity will make things with a certain weight fall

Since I just introduced a science topic tidbit (gravity), I'll draw your attention to
another little scientific topic - a wonderment - one of old...

Scientist of old used to believe that the Earth was flat - that if you went
to the very edge of it, you could fall off and disappear forever.
Consequently the entire world population of old believed this - because
this is what all the best science could explain about the Earth.

Then a person of scientific background who found out differently - who
figured out that the Earth wasn't flat - was very unpopular with the
masses during his lifetime. The first few generations of people who read
of or heard of his claims that the Earth was a sphere - were in turmoil,
however, a few generations later, the world population commonly
accepted the 'round' or 'spherical' Earth explanation.

Once the newer explanation was accepted into belief and knowledge,
then future scientists and populations could utilize this information to
better advantage - better than when they thought the Earth was flat!

Explorers were no longer hedging distances they sailed due to fear of
falling off the Earth...they could now sail an UNLIMITED distance,
discover lands, seas and places that they would never have guessed
about. They could sail around the world if they wanted to!

Well, they wanted to!
And they did!

The power of belief in YOU can be just as debilitating as you let it be. It
can be as debilitating as believing the world is flat.

Or - your beliefs can be as EMPOWERING as the belief that the world is

Where do you want to go?

To the edge of the Earth?

Or around the world?


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